tuesday inspiration

Explore the World | The School of Greatness Podcast with Lewis Howes

When is the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? 

In this week's Tuesday Inspiration Post, I am sharing a podcast from Lewis Howes' the School of Greatness podcast. 

Lewis is headed to India and he shares his excitement for this new opportunity. He also discusses how exploration has impacted him in his life and I can completely relate to his sentiments. I tune into his podcasts regularly, and of course I especially loved this one. It's short & to the point, but he really pushes us to COMMIT to exploring. 

Check it out! 

"You owe it to yourself to explore." - Lewis Howes If you enjoyed this episode, check out show notes and more at http://lewishowes.com/402

My favorite quotes from this podcast episode: 

"And when I went to a new place, surrounded by a different environment and met a different type of individual, I expanded, I grew, my views, my insights, my mind, my emotional intelligence, everything grow. "

"If you're not traveling - at least getting out of your comfort zone & your city and exploring your state or different parts of your town to get started, then you're missing out on a huge opportunity." 

"If we're not exploring, if we're not learning, if we're not growing...then what are we doing?" 

How has exploration influenced you personally? 

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