The Importance Of Optimism 

This post is sponsored by Frost Bank. All opinions are my own.

Let’s talk about optimism. At the end of the day, perspective is everything. If there’s anything I’ve learned throughout this journey of mine, it’s that optimism is key. Travel and life have taught me that miracles can happen and people are mostly kind. My family has been there for me every step of the way and strangers have allowed me to sleep in their home, for crying out loud. The list goes on. Whenever I encounter hardships, I am able to power through using my community, resilience, and faith. 

Frost Bank’s ‘Frost It Forward’ Campaign

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It’s always been my goal to give back to others, whether I’m at home or abroad. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it weren’t for the kindness and generosity of those around me. This is why I think it’s so important to keep the cycle going and pay it forward. When Frost Bank asked me to participate in their ‘Frost It Forward’ campaign, it was a no brainer. 

According to Frost, optimism has the power to improve health, lower stress, improve relationships, extend life, and overall make us happier. I couldn’t agree more. 

As part of this campaign, I was provided a $100 gift card and my only task was to brighten a stranger’s day! The holidays are all about joy, but they can also be full of stress. The pressure to purchase gifts, prepare food, and attend parties can create a lot of financial stress for many of us. When I received my ‘Frost It Forward’ gift card, I set out to ease this burden for a stranger in need. 

I drove to the neighborhood grocery store and stood near the check-out counter to find someone who might be in need of assistance. After about 15 minutes, I spotted a family of 5 with a cart full of groceries. 

I walked over with a huge smile on my face and asked, “Would you mind if I paid for your groceries?” The mother was clearly confused. 

“Are you serious?” she asked.

I simply nodded my head.

Tears fell from her eyes. 

“I’ve heard about this kind of thing happening to people, but I never thought it would be me,'' she said. 

“She really needed this,” her son said. 

All I could do was smile. I don’t know this woman’s story. Heck, I don’t even know her name. All I know is that she left the store feeling relieved. And who knows? Maybe she’ll try to pass that feeling on to a loved one or a stranger that she encounters. That’s the thing about kindness, though. It has the power to spread like wildfire if we allow it.  


It brings me joy to know that I was able to brighten this woman and her family’s day. I feel inspired to continue spreading the love because we could all use more of it in our lives. To learn more about how you can get involved and spread optimism and generosity, please visit


For now, here are a few ideas on how you can Frost It Forward:

Pay for coffee for the person behind you in line.

Bag groceries for the person behind you in line at the grocery store.

Purchase a meal for a family out to dinner.

Bring flowers to someone in a nursing home and spend time with them.

Buy holiday gifts for a family in need.

Buy a coat for someone in need.

Invest in a YMCA membership for someone.

Happy New Year! Don’t forget to Frost It Forward!