This post is in partnership with Boomer Naturals, but all opinions are my own.
What does travel look like post-quarantine and how do we prepare for it? Honestly, our best bet is to stay home. However, we should expect this virus to be around for the foreseeable future. While I’m currently choosing not to travel, I do understand that others may need to get on a flight and some might even have the desire to take a socially-distanced road trip. Many US and international destinations rely on tourism dollars, so travel is still very necessary in many instances around the world. With that being said, I’ll be using my platform to provide information that can help travelers make informed decisions along the way. Here are 7 ways to Prepare For Travel In A Post-Quarantine World:
Oh and wear it properly. There are so many opinions out there regarding masks, but at the end of the day - they’re required in most parts of the US. We’ll likely need to use them in public spaces for the foreseeable future. I’ve personally forgotten to bring my mask along in a few instances and I know I can’t be alone as we’re still getting used to this new normal. These days, I try to keep several stashed just to be safe!
When it comes to cloth masks(which I currently use on a daily basis and plan to use for road trips), I’ve been using Boomer Naturals’ Face Masks because they’re reusable and washable for 30 days! Their masks are lightweight, breathable, and meet WHO standards. They’re less than $10 each and the cotton is treated with silver-nanoparticles for antibacterial protection! Whether you’re staying local or road-tripping to the nearest city, you can click this link to shop one for yourself. They’re made in Vietnam and they take 1-3 business days to deliver! Use code HEYCiARA20 for 20 percent off any purchase.
Note: Surgical masks may be best for extreme instances like air travel.
Boomer Naturals Face Mask
Free testing sites have been set up around the country making it easy for you to know your current health status. According to the CDC, a viral test will tell you if you have a current infection and an antibody test will tell you if you’ve had the virus in the past. Once again, it’s probably best to get tested whether you plan to have a staycation or venture out - for your own sake and everyone that you may come in contact with. Leave plenty of time to receive results before you plan to go out into the world. Know that you may be asymptomatic even after you’ve gotten tested. In this case, it’s always best to move with precaution as if you have tested positive.
That’s not all though. Who knows what you might have picked up along the way? Once you return, get tested ASAP. You may visit the CDC site for testing information by state.
We’re probably all tired of hearing the words ‘social distance’, but you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do! You should spend as much time as possible social-distancing before your trip in order to reduce the risk of infecting yourself and others upon arrival. It goes without saying that you should try social-distancing as much as possible at your destination. Fortunately, so many businesses, transport services, and even accommodations have already implemented standards to help you maintain this distance. Be sure to be extra cautious if you plan to be in small towns or areas with sensitive populations. Once you return home, it may be best to social distance or even quarantined for two weeks once again in order to reduce spread in your hometown.
Multiple Face Masks? Check. Hand sanitizer? Check. Antibacterial wipes? Check. Pen? Check. Healthy Vitamin C Infused Snacks? Check. Water- Bottle? Check. Gloves? Check. Emergen-C/Vitamin C Tablets? Check. Hand Cream? Check.
Face masks are mandatory on most airlines for the time and many airport shops will be closed temporarily. Stuff your bag with everything you need to feel safe as you want to limit exchanging any products by hand. It may help to carry these essentials in a sling or fanny bag for easy access and reduced movement on the flight.
Now, more than ever, you’ll need to make use of your smartphone on your journey. Here are some convenient ways you can use your phone to reduce physical touch and maintain social distancing along the way:
Download the airline app to check-in online and receive updates on flight updates/cancellations
Use a virtual boarding pass to check your bags and get through security effortlessly.
Use Apple or Android Pay to limit cash/card exchange by hand. You can even use your smartphone to pay for gas on road trips!
Use App In The Air to store flight info and receive updates on the go.
Register for Step to receive updates on travel advisories, evacuation, natural disasters, etc.
Don’t forget to clean your phone as much as possible to avoid the spread of germs! View this article for my favorite travel apps.
Regardless of the distance - It’s so important to take responsibility for any decisions you make. If you choose to leave home, then there’s no doubt that you are putting yourself and others at risk. PLEASE make wise decisions, do your research, and try your best to limit interaction. While I have no say in your final destination, I would advise visiting low-risk areas. I would personally plan activities that allow for social distancing - road trips, outdoor experiences, etc. Stay away from cruises, bars, crowded restaurants, theme parks, movie theatres, etc. Know that you are potentially jeopardizing your health and those around you with every decision. Travel is a privilege in general, but especially during a worldwide pandemic. Treat it as such. I’ll say it again - assess and assume the risk!
It’s always best to travel with insurance, but the current circumstances make it especially useful. Many travelers found themselves out of luck when they discovered that many insurance companies exclude global pandemic and endemics. Travel may be more difficult than ever before, logistically speaking. Expect cancellations, delays, and even potential trip interruption. As you review insurance policies, read the fine print to determine if trip cancellation/ interruption/delay is covered.
I personally use World Nomads and they’ve covered my personal theft/loss on previous trips. I know for a fact that they’re covering COVID related trip issues. You may review their policy here.
Much to all of our dismay, travel won't be the same for a while. It’s possible that travel will never be the same and while that may be hard to accept, it’s best that we walk into any journey with a mindset of acceptance. Accept that standards, rules, behaviors, etc. may all be different. You may not be able to move with the same ease and freedom, so manage your expectations beforehand. Adhere to the ‘new’ rules and try to make the most of it. A huge part of travel is adapting to the environment and now is the perfect time to put that ‘travelers’ mindset into practice. If there’s anything travel has taught us, it’s to appreciate every moment - even if it looks slightly different than we imagined and hoped for.